New findings

Before last class and some exploring on ChatGPT, I had very little knowledge about what AI could do. I knew about a few of its simple tasks it could complete like summarizing articles but I was unaware of how precise it could get. I found that it’s used in all kinds of ways from helping doctors to recommending what shows to watch next on streaming services. AI can make really specific and helpful content making it useful in so many areas. I learned that AI is capable of analyzing large sets of data, recognizing patterns, and making predictions based on what it learns. I also learned that when it’s not given adequate background information it gives inaccurate and vague responses that are not useful. Im excited to learn about what else it can and cannot do.

Braydon Hudson Introduction

Hello, My name is Braydon I use He/Him pronouns. I am a junior class of 2026 and a psychology major. I am a part of both the football and track and field team here at Wooster. Other hobbies I enjoy are playing video games, cooking, hiking, and listening to music. I’m taking this course because to fit my schedule, and I what to gain a better understanding of how AI works.

the photo above is of me on top of a mountain last year

I think that AI is becoming a part of everyone’s everyday life, and that being the case I think people should have a basic understanding of what it does and how it works.