AI Ethics

AI ethics is important in every field that we are. Not just in academics but in our future as well, because that can impact on our carrer or personal life. Having AI do your job or your work when it’s not supposed to shows immorality and inability. Besides, a work done by AI and by a human is different in so many ways. However, it can be very useful to help with long research and demanding jobs, where AI would be allowed to use in a certain way.

In this week, I learned a lot about AI Ethics and how it “behaves”, but the most interesting thing I learned was about AI bias. Although AI develops by training and getting lots of data, some of them may be poorly trained and demonstrate bias against minorities. Since I don’t have much experience with AI, I never noticed that happening but, thinking about the way it is made and developed by human interactions in a way, it makes sense that it reflects wathever our society is currently.

resource: AI Ethics: What It Is And Why It Matters

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