Clio Sweeney Forsthoefel – Introduction

Hi everyone! I’m Clio, I am from Columbus, Ohio. I use she/her pronouns. I’m a sophomore here at The College of Wooster, but transferred at the beginning of last fall semester. I plan to graduate with a major in Communication Studies and a minor in Spanish. Outside of school, I love traveling, meeting new people, spending time outdoors, and expressing my creativity! Lately, I’ve noticed A.I. becoming a bigger part of my daily life, which is why I’m taking this course. I want to learn how to effectively and ethically use AI, but also how to recognize it’s influence.

The image below is a picture of my last day volunteering at a Spanish Elementary School in Sevilla, Spain as a Culture and Language Assistant. This represents one of the most meaningful experiences to me during my freshman year abroad 🙂

One thought on “Clio Sweeney Forsthoefel – Introduction

  1. Hey Clio, I love this photo that you took. Also, learning how we can ethically use AI is extremely important. I think it is very interesting how you bring up the idea of learning AI’s influence. What has it influenced, and how does it influence our current society and technological sphere?

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